课程代码 | 课程名称 |
ACC 201 | Financial Accounting |
ACC 202 | Managerial Accounting |
ACC 303 | Cost Accounting |
ACC 404 | Auditing |
ART 213 | Photography I: B/W Photography |
ART 251 | Introduction to Art History: Ancient-Medieval |
ART 252 | Introduction to Art History: Renaissance-Modern |
ART 362 | Contemporary Art |
ECN 201 | Principles of Economics: Microeconomics |
ECN 202 | Principles of Economics: Macroeconomics |
ECN 323 | Intermediate Microeconomics |
ECN 324 | Intermediate Macroeconomics |
FIN 220 | Financial Management |
FIN 322 | Financial Institutions and Markets |
HIS 141 | History of The United States to 1877 |
HIS 142 | History of the United States Since 1877 |
INE 315 | Legal Environment of Business |
JPN 101 | Beginning Japanese I |
JPN 102 | Beginning Japanese II |
MCE 262 | Statics |
MCE 263 | Dynamics |
MCE 341 | Fundamentals of Thermodynamics |
MCE 354 | Fluid Mechanics |
MATH 211 | Calculus I |
MATH 212 | Calculus II |
MATH 235 | Multivariate Calculus |
MATH 245 | Linear Algebra |
MATH 312 | Differential Equations |
MATH 328 | Numerical Analysis |
MATH 329 | Probability |
MATH 330 | Mathematical Statistics |
MGT 201 | Management Foundations: Building Better Businesses |
MGT 341 | Organizational Behavior |
MGT 342 | Human Resources Management |
MGT 445 | Strategic Management |
MKT 265 | Marketing Principles |
MKT 325 | International Marketing |
MKT 326 | Marketing Research and Analysis |
MKT 424 | Consumer Behavior |
MKT 425 | Sports Marketing |
PHIL 101 | Introduction to Philosophical Problems and Arguments |
PHIL 265 | Bioethics |
PSYC 100 | Introduction to Psychological Science |
PSYC 313 | Social Psychology |
SOC 101 | Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis |
THTR 115 | Theatre Appreciation |