University of Richmond


课程代码 课程名称
ACCT 201 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
ACCT 202 Fundamentals of Managerial Accounting
ACCT 305 Cost and Managerial Accounting
ARTH 121 Survey I: Prehistory through the Middle Ages
ARTH 122 Survey II: Renaissance to the Present
ARTH 217 Nineteenth-Century Art in Europe
BIOL 200 Integrated Biological Principles I with lab
BIOL 202 Integrated Biological Principles II with lab
CHEM 141 Chemistry: Structure, Thermodynamics, and Kinetics
CHEM 205 Organic Chemistry I
CMSC 150 Introduction to Computing
CMSC 240 Software Systems Development
ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 102 Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 230 Environmental Economics
ECON 271 Microeconomic Theory
ECON 272 Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 310 International Trade: Causes, Consequences, and Controversies
FIN 360 Principles of Financial Management
FIN 361 Corporate Finance
HIST 216 American Cultural and Intellectual History Since 1865
JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese
MATH 211 Calculus I
MATH 212 Calculus II
MATH 235 Multivariate Calculus
MATH 245 Linear Algebra
MATH 312 Differential Equations
MGMT 330 Organizational Behavior
MGMT 331 Personnel/Human Resource Management
MGMT 340 Operations Management
MKT 320 Principles of Marketing
MKT 325 International Marketing
MKT 326 Marketing Research and Analysis
MKT 424 Consumer Behavior
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophical Problems and Arguments
MUS 107 Music Fundamentals
PHYS 127 Algebra-Based General Physics 1 with Lab
PHYS 128 Algebra-Based General Physics 2 with Lab
PHYS 131 Calculus-Based General Physics 1 with Lab
PHYS 132 Calculus-Based General Physics 2 with Lab
PLSC 220 Introduction to American Government
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychological Science
PSYC 313 Social Psychology
SOC 101 Foundations of Society: Introduction to Sociological Analysis