University of Southern California


课程代码 课程名称
BUAD 280 Introduction to Financial Accounting
BUAD 281 Introduction to Managerial Accounting
AHIS 120gp Foundations of Western Art: Prehistoric to Renaissance
AHIS 121gp Foundations of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary
AHIS 370g Modern Art III: 1940 to the Present
AHIS 484 Studies in Chinese Art
BISC 220Lg General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology
BISC 120Lg General Biology: Organismal Biology and Evolution
CHE 120 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
CHE 330 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
CHEM 103Lgx General Chemistry for the Environment and Life
CHEM 105aLg General Chemistry
CHEM 115aLg Advanced General Chemistry
CHEM 322aL Organic Chemistry
COMM 204 Public Speaking
CSCI 101L Fundamentals of Computer Programming
CSCI 103L Introduction to Programming
EE 330 Electromagnetics I
EE 467 Introduction to Communication Systems
ECON 203g Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 205g Principles Of Macroeconomics
ECON 303 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
ECON 305 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
ECON 318 Introduction to Econometrics
WRIT 121 Introduction to College Writing in a Second Languag
CTCS 190g Introduction to Cinema
ACAD 375 Business and Professional Communication
MATH 125g Calculus I
MATH 126g Calculus II
MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations
MATH 226g Calculus III
MATH 407 Probability Theory
MATH 555a Partial Differential Equations
AME 301 Dynamics
AME 310 Engineering Thermodynamics I
AME 428 Mechanics of Materials
AME 302 Dynamic Systems
AME 309 Dynamics of Fluids
BAEP 423 Management of Small Businesses
BUAD 311 Operations Management
MKT 450 Consumer Behavior and Marketing
MKT 402 Research Skills for Marketing Insights
MTAL 330 Fundamentals of Music
PHIL 100g Central Problems of Philosophy
PHYS 171Lg Applied Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 172L Applied Physics II: Electricity, Magnetism and Optics
POSC 100g Theory and Practice of American Democracy
POSC 320 Urban Politics
PSYC 100Lg Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 355 Social Psychology
PSYC 459 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
REL 135g Chinese Religions and Culture
REL 134g Introduction to Buddhism
SOCI 200gm Introduction to Sociology
BUAD 310g Applied Business Statistics
MATH 408 Mathematical Statistics