Yeshiva University


课程代码 课程名称
ACC 1001 Principles of Accounting I
ACC 1002 Principles of Accounting II
ACC 1101 Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 1102 Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 3601  Principles of Auditing
ART 1051 History of Art
ART 1052 History of Art
ART 1471 Contemporary Art
ART 1645 History of Photography
ART 1301 Northern Renaissance Art 
BIOL 1011C Principles of Biology
BIOL 1012C Principles of Biology
BLW 2111 Business Law I
BLW 2021 Ethical & Legal Environment in Business
CHEM 1045C General Chemistry
CHEM 1046C General Chemistry
CHEM 1213C Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 1214R Organic Chemistry II
COMP 1001C Introduction to Programming
COMP 1300C Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
COMP 1320C Introduction to Data Structures
COMP 3640 Programming Languages
COMP 1504 Discrete Structures
COMP 2115C Computer Systems
COMP 3563 Database Systems
COMP 3610 Operating Systems
ECON 1101 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 1201 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 1221 Money and Banking
ECON 1601 Economic Development
ECON 2701 Managerial Economics
ECON 1421 Econometrics
FYWR 1020 First Year Writing
FYSM 1012  Business Communication
FIN 1001 Principles of Finance
FIN 1408 Corporate Finance
HIST 1201 Survey of US History I
MATH 1412 Calculus I
MATH 1413 Calculus II
MATH 1510 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2105 Linear Algebra
MATH 2601 Differential Equations
MATH 2461 Probability Theory
MAR 1001 Principles of Marketing
MAR 2501 Buyer Behavior
MAR 2621 Applied Research
MUSI 1111 The Sense of Music 
PHIL 1100 Logic
PHIL 1600 Ethics
PHYS 1031C Introductory Physics
PHYS 1032C Introductory Physics
PHYS 1051C General Physics
PHYS 1052C General Physics
POLI 1101 Introduction to American Politics
PSYC 1010 Introductory Psychology
PSYC 3105 Social Psychology
PSYC 3165 Human Sexuality
PSYC 2150 Cognitive Psycholgy
PSYC 1107 Developmental Psychology: Life Span
PSYC 3800 Personality
SOCI 1001 Introduction to Sociology
STAT 1021 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 2462 Mathematical Statistics